Male Infertility
Male health is equally important when trying to conceive. At Lisanne Wellness Center we help you understand how lifestyle factors can affect your sperm and what you can do to improve your fertility chances.

Male health is equally important when trying to conceive. At Lisanne Wellness Center we help you understand how lifestyle factors can affect your sperm and what you can do to improve your fertility chances.
This may involve both the quality and speed with which a man’s sperm travels.
This could be an infection within the man’s testicles or a sexually transmitted infection.
This is a condition when the veins inside the loose skin that covers a man’s testicles swell. It may result is a low sperm count.
This is where one of both testicles remain in his abdomen. The testicles are intended to fall from the abdomen into the scrotal sac at birth.
This may include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, or not ejaculating at all.
Cleanses are a great way to restore health in men struggling with weight management, insulin resistance, and hormonal imbalance. Men experiencing fertility troubles may benefit from a cleanse as they are shown to support detoxification processes that release toxins to better support healthy sperm production and function.
Active Plus for Men is a comprehensive, hypoallergenic supplement designed exclusively to support men of any age. Our formula delivers essential vitamins, minerals, and trace elements that provide the finest nutritional support to naturally boost energy levels and optimize metabolism. ActivPlus helps with a variety of conditions, including memory loss, poor concentration, depression, male infertility, and generalized hair loss.
CarniteX Pure is our high-quality-concentrated formula of carnitine, which is essential for the metabolism of long-chain fatty acids in the mitochondria to produce energy in the form of ATP. Normal heart function depends on adequate concentrations of carnitine. If carnitine levels are deficient there is a decreased energy output and an increased risk for angina and heart disease.
Ova Balance delivers a quality source of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). CoQ10 is a potent antioxidant that supports healthy energy production and organ function and may protect tissues against damage triggered by oxidative stress. Ova Balance is designed to support male fertility, including healthy sperm morphology, function, and motility, and energy and stamina.
Nitric Balance is an advanced formulation that delivers specific ingredients that are known to positively affect NOS (nitric oxide synthase) activity and intracellular energy production. This formula supports a healthy neurovascular system and cognitive function, while supporting cellular energy production and metabolic endurance. These benefits support optimal male fertility, including sperm morphology, concentrations, and motility.
Lymph Balance is a powerful supplement designed to support a healthy functioning lymphatic and immune system. Our formula supports healthy lymphatic drainage and circulation, as well as antioxidant activity and toxin filtration. These benefits support male fertility and sperm quality to better support a positive conception rate.
For men, low levels of vitamin D can lead to erectile dysfunction. Our potent vitamin D supplement, Activ D3K2, is formulated with a highly bioavailable and bioactive form of supplemental vitamin D3 and vitamin K2. Our formula supports healthy vitamin D levels to better support male fertility.
OmegaPure Rx is a pure, highly concentrated fish oil supplement that supports cardiovascular, cognitive, and joint health and central nervous system function. Our formula provides beneficial essential fatty acids that support healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels. OmegaPure supports metabolic and fertility health in men to better support sperm quality, quantity, and motility.
Balance is a functional nutrient formula that offers a quality source of protein, featuring several beneficial amino acids, including branched-chain amino acids. Balance is a rich source of lysine and arginine, both of which support a healthy weight, lean body mass, and lean muscle mass to body fat ratio.
Combat the effects of insulin resistance to support metabolic and fertility health. You can support optimal fertility by combating the effects of insulin resistance. This includes supporting healthy glucose, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, as well as healthy energy levels and body composition.
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