Houston’s Fertility Acupuncture Specialists

The Lisanne Wellness Center Pathway to Optimal Health supports ALL of your health goals in finding solutions during your every day life and fertility journey!

Discover the benefits of Acupuncture, an alternative form of therapy that can be used to assist you through your fertility journey.

Women who receive acupuncture alongside fertility treatment are up to 65% more likely to conceive than women who receive fertility treatment alone.

Is Fertility Acupuncture for You?

Fertility Acupuncture can be beneficial for anyone trying to conceive. Acupuncture can we used weather your going through In-Vitro Fertilition (IVF) or trying to concieve naturally on your own.

We offer several different fertility acupuncture services to help you on your fertility journey.

What We Support on your Fertility Journey

Blood Circulation

Increases blood supply and circulation to reproductive organs, boosting their function.

Calm & Relax

Calming your body throughout the fertility journey and Improves hormone balance and ovulation.

Improves Circulation

Increases blood supply and circulation to reproductive organs, boosting their function.

Supports Embryo Transfer

Studies show that acupuncture performed before and after embryo transfer improves pregnancy rates by 50-65%.


Increases libido, Regulates the menstrual cycle and Supports ovulation.

Egg Quality

Improves the quality of eggs in women with Low AMH (low ovarian reserve).


Helps with High FSH, Helps with Unexplained Infertility.

Quality of Sperm

Increases low sperm counts and improves the quality of sperm in men.

Why Choose Lisanne Wellness Center for Your Fertility Acupuncture Care?

The Lisanne Wellness Center was established in 2007 to assist clients and patients through fertility treatment. We work closely with a reproductive center and are well-versed in fertility treatments, ovulation, and cycle management.

Our team helps build happy families through their fertility journeys. We provide an all-inclusive approach that integrates fertility treatments with your personal wellness. We look at the whole picture to establish a fertility program that complements your physical and mental wellbeing in order to maximize the likelihood of conception

Benefits of Fertility Acupuncture

Our Fertility Acupuncture Specialists

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Meet Altman


Fertility Acupuncturist


The Ideal Times for Female Fertility Acupuncture.

Whether you are seeking fertility acupuncture to incorporate with your fertility treatment or are interested in assistance naturally, there are certain times during your cycle that are best.
Generally speaking, the most important times to have acupuncture are:


In addition to boosting your chances of conception, acupuncture may help reduce the symptoms of PCOS, endometriosis, and hormonal imbalance.

Fertility Acupuncture Services

Our Programs

Our on-site services are simple, convenient, and designed to fit anyone’s lifestyle. We ` offer several Acupuncture Programs to suit your fertility journey.

Egg Retrieval Acupuncture

Fertility BodyPrep

Comprehensive IVF Acupuncture Program

Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycle Enhancement Program

Male Fertility Acupuncture

Do not See what you need?

Contact us to create a complementary customized plan for you. We’ll get to know your current cycle and conception concerns and build an acupuncture plan around your personal needs.
Contact Us

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Fertility Acupuncture Services

Our Programs

Our on-site services are simple, convenient, and designed to fit anyone’s lifestyle. We ` offer several Acupuncture Programs to suit your fertility journey.

Egg Retrieval Acupuncture - $360

Our Egg Retrieval Acupuncture is designed for clients undergoing an egg retrieval cycle who want to boost their eggs’ quantity and quality. The program includes four fertility acupuncture sessions surrounding egg retrieval. This process helps promote blood flow to your reproductive organs, strengthen the endometrial lining, and reduce stress levels, which can interfere with IVF success.
4 highly specialized acupuncture sessions during the egg retrieval cycle
please note price may vary depending of the location and time it takes from the actual procedure

Fertility BodyPrep $900

Who is this for? While acupuncture can be beneficial to everyone, we especially recommend it to women over 35, trying on your own naturally for over 6 months with no success, women who have had difficulty getting pregnant in the past, and women who have experienced a failed IVF cycle. It is also helpful for anyone who has previously miscarried, those suffering from PCOS, or women with irregular cycles.

If you’re trying to conceive naturally or have had negative IVF treatment cycles, we recommend preparatory fertility acupuncture starting roughly 90 days before conception – since the egg prepares for fertilization 90 days in advance.

Fertility BodyPrep acupuncture program can boost your chances of getting pregnant naturally by increasing blood flow to the egg and reproductive organs (which collectively take 3 months to prepare for conception), reducing stress levels (and subsequent cortisol levels), and helping to regulate hormones. With Preparatory acupuncture, we also include color therapy to further reduce the stress of trying to conceive.
12 sessions acupuncture with color therapy – in 90 days leading up to conception
please note price may vary depending of the location and time it takes from the actual procedure

Comprehensive IVF Acupuncture Program - $800

For clients undergoing In vitro Fertilization Cycles
This is our most comprehensive program to give you full support during your IVF cycle. We’ll start with acupuncture during your egg retrieval cycle to boost egg quantity and quality. Then continue with acupuncture during the embryo transfer cycle to help keep your eggs as healthy and fertile as possible. Finally, finish the treatment with acupuncture on the day of your embryo transfer. This definitive treatment will help reduce stress and cortisol levels (which can reduce IVF effectiveness) and can help relieve pain or side effects from the IVF medications.

9 acupuncture sessions built around your complete IVF cycle (4 sessions during egg retrieval, 4 sessions during embryo transfer cycle, 1 session on the day of embryo transfer). *timelines can be modified based on your individual care.
please note price may vary depending of the location and time it takes from the actual procedure

Day of Embryo Transfer Enhancement Program - $440

This program is offered in conjunction with IVF cycles and involves two acupuncture sessions: one before and one after embryo transfer. Research has demonstrated that acupuncture treatments can increase implantation rates by 40%.
please note price may vary depending of the location and time it takes from the actual procedure

Male Fertility

Acupuncture is a holistic medicinal approach that’s designed to support fertility health by improving circulation and blood supply to reproductive organs. Acupuncture is known to increase sperm count, motility and quality. In some cases, it may also help erectile disfunction and support hormonal balance. Includes: 12 sessions acupuncture with color therapy.
please note price may vary depending of the location and time it takes from the actual procedure

Schedule an appointment

Schedule a consultation with one of our Wellness Specialists at Lisanne Wellness Center. We can help your pick the best program to suit your needs and work with your fertility cycle to structure a personalized program.

FAQs about Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a medical procedure that involves placing tiny hair-like needles into the skin (any of the 360 points on the body) as a way of stimulating energy points that are central to your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical balance. Acupuncture is used to treat a variety of maladies such as headaches, back pain, depression, regulate menstruation, assist sperm counts for men, and over 2,000 other conditions. For fertility, the needles are placed in energy points linked to the reproductive organs to improve energy and blood flow to those areas.

No, the majority of patients do not complain of pain at all during the acupuncture session. There are a few patients that say the needle MAY sting a bit the first time you have it done, because you don’t know what to expect after that it’s nothing. The needle is 5 times smaller than the needle to draw blood and since it is not drawing any fluid, it is a much milder “stick”. If you have a needle phobia, don’t automatically dismiss acupuncture. It’s very relaxing. There are also other ways to do acupuncture that do not require the use of the needles. This is discussed on an individual case basis to see which type is the most beneficial to you.
The body has special pathways called meridians that have multiple points on the body which connect to the internal organs and that vital energy flows along the meridian lines. According to the acupuncture theory, diseases are caused by interrupted energy flow and inserting and manipulating the needles restores normal flow. Most evidence points to the increases in the production of enkephlalins and endorphins, or brain chemicals that make you feel good and help reduce stress as to why the energy flow is restored. Acupuncture affects the autonomic nervous system, which is involved in the control of muscles and glands. This effect restores balance to the nervous system and improves the energy flow through the meridians. For fertility, acupuncture makes the lining of the uterus more receptive to receiving an embryo. Acupuncture has also been shown to improve the blood flow to the uterus and ovaries and enhance your response to conventional fertility treatments.
  • Improves hormone balance and ovulation
  • Improves pregnancy rate in patients undergoing in-vitro fertilization (IVF), by increasing blood flow to the uterus (studies have shown that acupuncture performed before and after embryo transfer improves pregnancy rates by 50-65%.
  • Enhances fertility
  • Treats certain underling causes of miscarriages
  • Increases libido
  • Regulates the menstrual cycle
  • Promotes ovulation
  • Improves the quality of eggs in women
  • Increases low sperm counts and improves the quality of sperm
    Acupuncture has been shown to improve blood supply to the ovaries, which improves their function, and the uterus, which can make it easier to nourish a fetus and reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Acupuncture can be started any time for fertility; however it is best if Acupuncture treatments are initiated one to three months prior to starting fertility medication, intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in preparation for in vitro fertilization (IVF) or frozen embryo transfer (FET). Each treatment is individually customized into packages of single sessions or 4, 6 or 12 sessions. We also offer the before and after acupuncture for the embryo transfer day, which has shown to increase success rates by almost 50-65%.

With multiple session packages, we generally have acupuncture treatments 2-3 times weekly during a current cycle and try to schedule on days you are already scheduled to be in the office. If you are starting earlier than the current cycle, than we do 1 treatment weekly unless more is needed, which is determined on a case by case basis.

Sign up today &

Receive One Session for only $49.00

What you do today can impact the egg that you release 90 days from now. Get Started Now!

*One-time offer per client. Not to be used with any other offer. Some Restrictions may apply.

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