Acupuncture is a holistic medicinal approach that’s designed to support fertility health by improving circulation and blood supply to reproductive organs. Acupuncture is known to increase sperm count, motility and quality. In some cases, it may also help erectile disfunction and support hormonal balance.
Includes: 12 sessions acupuncture with color therapy.
Male Acupuncture Services
Male-factor infertility accounts for roughly 40% of all cases. Acupuncture is a holistic medicinal approach that is designed to support fertility health by improving circulation and blood supply to reproductive organs.
Male Acupuncture is known to increase
- Increases low sperm counts and improves the quality of sperm in men.
- May improve motility
- Improves Circulation by Increases blood supply and circulation to reproductive organs, boosting their function.
- Libido
- In some cases, it may also help erectile disfunction and support hormonal balance.
Includes: 12 sessions acupuncture with our amazing color therapy
please note price may vary depending of the location and time it takes from the actual procedure
Traditional Chinese medicine relies on the flow of qi, or energy, throughout the body. **Your program may include Ear seeds. They are placed in stimulation to the pressure points in the ears and used to help regulate the flow of qi, or energy, in the body.
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