Are you struggling with infertility?

Lisanne Wellness Center, offers “The Fertile Mind Body Experience,” a unique six-week course which aims to improve your mental and emotional health while experience infertility. This course has been designed to help women just like you relieve the stress that comes with infertility, minimize stress and anxiety, release fearful thoughts that trigger the body’s stress response, discover new hope, and find strength in a community of women who truly understand what you are feeling.
According to a recent study in Fertility and Sterility, women who participate in a mind/body program while undergoing IVF have a significantly higher pregnancy rate than those who do not (52% vs. 20%).

Meet the Expert The Fertile Mind-Body Program™ is hosted by our fertility coach Michelle Galatoire.

The Fertile Mind Body Experience is hosted by Mind Body Wellness expert Michelle Galatoire, who experienced infertility for over 10 years and struggled with her own challenges and obstacles. During Michelle’s journey she was inspired to help thousands of women all over the world who are going through the same struggle. As a Fertility & Self Care Coach, Michelle is certified in working with both individuals and groups and brings the latest, leading edge healing tools and modalities in Mind Body wellness from both Eastern and Western disciplines to help her clients find inner peace even at times when it feels impossible.

Why Fertile Mind-Body Experience Program™

Psychological or physiological stresses have been associated with menstrual cycle disturbances, increased cortisol levels and decreased reproductive function. The good news is that research also suggests that mind-body techniques that elicit a relaxation response, such as meditation and yoga, can reduce stress and increase a couple’s chance of conceiving. A 2011 study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility by Dr. Alice Domar found that infertile women undergoing IVF, using mind body techniques have a 55% conception rate, compared with 20% not using the techniques. In our Fertile Mind-Body Experience Program™ sessions you will cultivate stress reduction practices to learn tangible ways to reduce stress, let go of negative thinking and bring pleasure back into your life. Michelle will guide you through many exercises including learning to elicit the relaxation response, simple meditation, and mindfulness techniques, breathing practices, cognitive restructuring and self care practices to bring ease to your life.

When you are trying to conceive without success, you face challenges on many levels. This 6-week course is designed to improve your chances of conceiving with valuable and practical methods for dealing with the daily stressors and obstacles that infertility frequently brings. During this 6-week program, we will show you how to take control of your life and reduce the persistent stream of ideas that trigger anxiety and despair. You will discover ways of releasing physical and emotional tension, feeling calm, and trusting your inner wisdom, allowing you to make decisions with ease and clarity.
  • Reduce stress, anxiety, and fear-based thoughts.
  • Release negativity and limiting beliefs.
  • Reframe your self-image and restore your confidence and hope.
  • Set realistic goals and achieve them quickly and with more ease.
  • End procrastination and self-sabotage, which helps support wise decisions.
  • Restore your health, energy, and enthusiasm for life.
  • Reduce feelings of isolation by forming supportive relationships.
  • Define and fulfill personal desires that have been put on hold for fertility.
  • Learn simple techniques and strategies you can use daily to embrace the growth and self-discovery that accompany fertility treatment and conception planning.

Benefits you will Experience

When you are trying to conceive without success, you face challenges on many levels. We have designed our 6-week course to improve your chances of conceiving with valuable and practical methods for dealing with the daily stressors and obstacles that infertility frequently brings. During this 6-week program, we will show you how to take control of your life and reduce the persistent stream of ideas that trigger anxiety and despair. You will discover ways of releasing physical and emotional tension, feeling calm, and trusting your inner wisdom, allowing you to make decisions with ease and clarity


Carrie R.
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I was so lucky to connect with Michelle. It was like finding a kind, dear, sweet friend along the dark and painful road I've stumbled along through infertility for nearly four years. Michelle was so happy to share her wisdom and truly validated the feelings that have made me feel so lonely on this difficult journey. Now I have some useful tools to help move forward on a lighter, brighter, path and I completely love all of the recommendations she gave me. I am truly amazed at how Michelle was able to pick up on things that I was trying to say but couldn't articulate. Thank goodness for her intuition and careful caring heart. There's a group of people who I could never thank enough for helping me to see through the darkness and Michelle is absolutely one of them. Her concept of "Nourish and Bloom" has changed my life. I am forever grateful and have much more patience and serenity for this process thanks to Michelle.
Kim S.
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Not only did the wellness coaching sessions help me to come to terms with my life as it currently stood, but they also helped me to reach a level of peace about my infertility struggle that I didn’t think was possible. Michelle Galatoire has a unique ability to gently help you to explore your current struggles and to find ways of embracing all of life’s possible outcomes thereby bringing about an acceptance and consequent peace which I found quite profound. You feel she really understands your pain and cares deeply about you. Her warmth and sincerity are enough to transmit over oceans. I now have two wonderful boys – one 18 month old dynamo who we adopted, and a very laid back 5 month old who I conceived using donor eggs. I believe Michelle’s wellness sessions, which helped me to feel at peace with my life in whatever form it took, directly resulted in the family that we now have. She is truly a very special person.
Mary L.
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Just thought I should share with you that I am now 7 months pregnant after 4 1/2 years of trying. This will be my second child. I would first like to thank you for giving me the confidence and encouragement that I can conceive - naturally. I was told by doctors that I had 1% chance of conceiving on my own due to poor egg quality. I started searching on the internet for more information as I was very distraught. I chanced upon your website and the answers to my weary eyes just glared back at me - that it is POSSIBLE TO CONCEIVE despite poor egg quality. My confidence started building up from there; and I conceived just 3 months after doing this. Thank you so much; I hope all women out there who have been told by doctors that there is no hope for them will not absorb those words in their minds but rather come out of it - go all out and try - do not give up! It will happen by God's grace.
Patricia M.
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Michelle came at a critical time in my life when I had lost all balance and joy. My focus for the prior 2 1/2 years was trying to get pregnant and, at age 41, it seemed not only that nothing was working but that I had lost my life along the way. Michelle's patient guidance and balanced advice helped me to regain my life - mentally and physically. Through her gentle but wise direction, I learned to focus less on the effort to get pregnant and more on life's possibilities in every area - whatever that might mean. In the process of our work together, I regained a health mindset and apparently gained reproductive balance...because six months after working together, I became pregnant naturally at age 42!!! My husband and I will always be grateful to Michelle for the gift she was to me in my journey of learning to be open to discovering the miracles of everyday life...including our bundle of joy set to arrive in 2 months!!
Felicia K.
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I’m so very thankful for Michelle and the Fertile Life consultation program!!!! The last thing I needed to add to my life was stress considering the stress I was already dealing with regarding my fertility. The consultation program was easy and most of all help me to bring my life into balance. The information I received has been invaluable and all of the consultants went above and beyond to develop a program that was specifically designed to meet my needs. After three months of consultation with an acupuncturist, wellness coach and nutrition consultant I feel a great sense of relief, belief, and confidence in my journey. Thank you!!!!! Lanee R. Michelle has been a wonderful guide in my journey through healing. She has helped me stay positive, focused and to find peace and calm in the midst of this troubling time of my life. Thank You, Michelle!
Yvonne J.
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Coaching sessions with Michelle were a revealing experience for me. Michelle guided me on a path toward my fertily and my femininity. She is gentle, persuasive and powerful, just what coach should be. My second ART, which was scheduled after I finished with my initial coaching series was successful and now I am six month pregnant and expecting a baby boy due end of June. Tamara V. Michelle has been a great inspiration and help at a time in my life where I had totally lost hope. She helped me start a healing journey that made me realize, I can move on and be happy no matter what the end result will be.

Main Topics Covered in this Course

Our virtual 6-week LIVE program working directly with our team combines all the best of our mind body wellness program with the added benefit of being accessible from the comfort of your own home. We understand that busy lifestyles and jobs can prevent you from attending courses in person and so we developed our Virtual Mind Body Wellness Program to support give you the flexibility you need in your everyday life. Throughout this process you will learn.
The main topics we will cover:

Fertile Mind Body Experience

This 6 week course provides you useful and practical tools for coping with the daily stresses and challenges that often come with infertility. During your time with us
During this 6 week program we will teach you strategies to bring a sense of control in your life and how to turn down the constant stream of thoughts that create anxiety and depression. You will learn techniques to release both your physical and emotional stress, feel relaxed, and trust your inner wisdom so you can make decisions with ease and clarity. Private one on one sessions are available in addition to the 6 week program should you feel you need additional coaching.

What is Included in Your Course:

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Start your 6 week course today

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Private One-on-One Coaching Available

Session 1

Private Package

1 Session

Private Package
$ 225

3 Session

Private Package

3 Session

Private Package
$ 375

6 Session

Private Package

6 Session

Private Package
$ 600
Infectious Disease Physician

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