Female Infertility

Our Fertility Wellness Program guides patients on their journey to better reproductive health through diet, exercise, lifestyle counseling, and specialized services to support fertility.

Why You Need a Fertility Wellness Program

The journey to a safe and healthy pregnancy begins with a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and quality care of chronic medical conditions. Many patients find it difficult to achieve these goals on their own.

Lisanne Wellness Center offers several fertility programs to give you a better chance of conceiving while enriching your health. We believe that the path to wellness should incorporate education, emotional support, supplements, relaxation, detoxification, and caring staff to tend to your personal needs.

Factors that Affect Female Fertility and Contribute to Infertility

There are certain elements in our bodies that, once corrected, can optimize health, and improve the chances of conception. For women under 35, infertility is characterized by one year of failed conception; for women over 35, it is characterized by six months of unsuccessful conception.
  • Uterine lining quality: endometriosis may damage reproductive tissue.
  • Egg production by ovaries: conditions affecting the ovaries like PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) may prevent an egg from being released.
  • Structure of the Fallopian tube: tubal blockages may prevent sperm from meeting the egg.
  • Age-related infertility is one of the most common factors affecting a women’s ability to conceive by affecting egg quality.
  • Sperm quantity, motility (ability to move), and morphology (shape and size).
  • Movement direction and quality.
  • Sperm DNA integrity.
Infertility is a difficult condition to struggle with and beyond difficult for everyone involved. The good news is that you have treatment options and there is hope for individuals and couples.

Factors that Affect Female Fertility and Contribute to Infertility

There are certain elements in our bodies that, once corrected, can optimize health, and improve the chances of conception. For women under 35, infertility is characterized by one year of failed conception; for women over 35, it is characterized by six months of unsuccessful conception.

Factors that Impact Fertility Health in Women

  • Uterine lining quality: endometriosis may damage reproductive tissue.
  • Egg production by ovaries: conditions affecting the ovaries like PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) may prevent an egg from being released.
  • Structure of the Fallopian tube: tubal blockages may prevent sperm from meeting the egg.
  • Age-related infertility is one of the most common factors affecting a women’s ability to conceive by affecting egg quality.
Infertility is a difficult condition to struggle with and beyond difficult for everyone involved. The good news is that you have treatment options and there is hope for individuals and couples.

Female Fertility

Ovulation is when the egg leaves the ovary and travels to meet the sperm. Some women do not ovulate on a monthly basis.

These include the fallopian tubes, cervix, uterus, or ovaries. This may be due to a blockage, growths, scarring, larger ovaries, or an irregular opening of the cervix.

This generally occurs before the age of 40. It might be caused by an autoimmune disorder, chemotherapy, or a hereditary abnormality.

These may include endometriosis, PCOS, pelvic inflammatory disease, cancer, diabetes, autoimmunity, and celiac disease.

Too high or too low BMI, and too much or too little exercise might have an impact on a woman’s ability to conceive.

It becomes more difficult for a woman to conceive after the age of 35.

Lisanne Wellness Center has spent years working with 100’s of women on their fertility journey to motherhood.

Female Infertility

Lisanne Wellness Center has spent years working with 100’s of women on their fertility journey to motherhood.

Female Infertility


Pre Conception Cleanse

Pre- Conception Cleanse

Preparing your body’s reproductive organs for conception and implantation can go a long way toward helping you build a family. . A pre-conception cleanse is one of the most effective ways to prepare your body for pregnancy by restoring your reproductive organs to their healthiest and most efficient form.


Acupuncture is a holistic medicinal approach that’s designed to support fertility health by improving circulation and blood supply to reproductive organs. Acupuncture is known to support hormonal balance, egg quantity and quality, and positive outcomes with the egg retrieval cycle.


Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a laser treatment service that’s spread over 4-12 weeks, designed to support the body against age-related fertility issues. LLLT supports healthy conception in women over the age of 38 and those who have experienced failed IVF cycles. Our laser therapy also supports fertility healthy, blood circulation to the reproductive system, and egg quality.

6 packs

12 packs

Fertility Mind and Body Experience Program:

Optimize your efforts to conceive with tools from our Fertile Mind-Body Program. This comprehensive 6-week program is designed to help you take control of everyday stress, help you release anxious and fearful thoughts that trigger the stress response in your body, and better prepare your body for conception.

Omega Testing Kit

Essential fatty acids are crucial for optimal reproductive health. Our easy-to-use Omega 3 Test Kit can help you maintain the correct EFA balance by giving you a reference point as to what nutritional and Omega-3 supplementation you may need to restore your EFA balance and attain the recommended 3:1 omega-3 to 6 ratios.


Ova Balance

Ova Balance

Ova Balance (CoQ10) is an enzyme the body produces naturally. CoQ10 is required for cellular energy production to meet the body’s energy demands and plays a vital role in protecting the body against oxidative stress caused by free radical damage. This powerful enzyme supports healthy egg maturation, fertilization, and embryonic cell division, as well as sperm motility, quality, and quantity.

Fertility Cleanse Support / Omega Pure

Pre Conception Cleanse

A Pre Conception Cleanse is designed to support optimal health and encourage higher chances of conception. Supporting the body with a pre conception cleanse supports healthy detoxification processes that may improve pregnancy rates. A pre conception cleanse supports healthy lymphatic drainage, toxin removal, liver health, and blood flow to the uterus to clear out stagnant blood and support circulation

MethylFolate Balance

MethylFolate Balance

MethylFolate Balance is formulated with the most biologically active form of folate, 5-MTHF, to support a higher rate of absorption and optimal methylation and homocysteine levels. MethylFolate Balance delivers the activated form of folate to support those with the MTHFR gene mutation to better support optimal health.

Ova Balance

Ova Balance

Ova Balance (CoQ10) is an enzyme the body produces naturally. CoQ10 is required for cellular energy production to meet the body’s energy demands and plays a vital role in protecting the body against oxidative stress caused by free radical damage. This powerful enzyme supports healthy egg maturation, fertilization, and embryonic cell division, as well as sperm motility, quality, and quantity.

Biomegil Womens Health Probiotics


Probiotics can improve the balance of your microbiome – the bacterial strains that make up your gut and vagina. Not all probiotics are the same. For vaginal microbiome balance, the probiotic should include the primary bacterial strain that is specific for the vagina called Lactobacillus Crispatus.
MethylFolate Balance

MethylFolate Balance

MethylFolate Balance is formulated with the most biologically active form of folate, 5-MTHF, to support a higher rate of absorption and optimal methylation and homocysteine levels. MethylFolate Balance delivers the activated form of folate to support those with the MTHFR gene mutation to better support optimal health.


Combat the effects of insulin resistance to support metabolic and fertility health. You can support optimal fertility by combating the effects of insulin resistance. This includes supporting healthy glucose, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, as well as healthy energy levels and body composition.

Omega Pure

Omega Pure is a high-quality omega fatty acid formula that’s designed to support an optimal omega-6/omega-3 ratio and cardiovascular, cognitive, immune, and circulatory health. Our formula may support sperm production and quality in men and reproductive and hormone health in women.

Nitric Balance

Nitric Balance is an advanced formula that supports nitric oxide synthase activity and intracellular energy production to better support immune and cognitive function and healthy blood flow. Its primary use is to support a healthy circulation throughout the body, including reproductive organs.

IDLIfe Prenatal Support

Prenatal Support is a unique formulation designed to support fertility and pregnancy health. Our prenatal vitamin supplement fills the dietary gap by providing essential nutrients required to meet the energy demands that support healthy eggs, ovulation, implantation, and pregnancy.

Lymph Balance

Lymph Balance

Lymph balance is formulated with citrus-based antioxidant-like compounds that support healthy blood flow, lymphatic drainage, antioxidant activity, and metabolic processes. Our formula supports normal lymph drainage, microcirculation, and glucose metabolism.


Research shows normal vitamin D levels support successful IVF cycles. Each capsule of D3K2-5K delivers 5,000 IUs of rapid-absorption vitamin D3 and supports healthy vitamin D levels. Our vitamin D formula supports musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, brain, and immune system health, a healthy pregnancy and birth, and healthy nutrient absorption and thyroid levels.

Endo Balance

Endo Balance delivers an optimal ratio of a high-quality essential oil blend that benefits the body by supporting balance and a healthy appearance. Our powerful formula may help reduce anxiety and daily stress, help you feel more confident, improve mood, soothe your skin, support healthy hair, and help you relax and sleep better.

Endo Balance delivers an optimal ratio of a high-quality essential oil blend that benefits the body by supporting balance and a healthy appearance. This blend may support reductions in anxiety and daily stress to better support healthy mood.

BALANCE/ Balance Low Inflammatory Program

Balance is a functional nutrient formula that offers a quality source of protein, featuring several beneficial amino acids, including branched-chain amino acids. Balance is a rich source of lysine and arginine, both of which support a healthy weight, lean body mass, and lean muscle mass to body fat ratio.


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Preconception Cleanses

Reset your body with one of our preconception cleanse and detox services. We specifically designed these to support optimal fertility health, restore your body’s natural balance, and get your body ready for conception. Our cleanses combine high-quality products, nutrients, and a fertility-focused diet to support hormonal balance, a healthy functioning reproductive, digestive, and immune system, and embryo development.

Fertility Vitamins

Support your body’s nutritional needs with natural vitamins that help to promote optimal health. Our Prenatal Support formula delivers essential vitamins and minerals that support healthy conception and pregnancy.

Fertility Mind and Body Experience Program

Optimize your efforts to conceive with tools from our Fertile Mind-Body Program. This comprehensive 6-week program is designed to help you take control of everyday stress, help you release anxious and fearful thoughts that trigger the stress response in your body, and better prepare your body for conception.

Fertility Nutrition

A balanced diet that provides beneficial nutrients plays a key role in health and fertility wellness. Eating a nutrient-dense diet to support your fertility health can better support conception and a healthy pregnancy as the body’s nutritional needs switch to high demand.


Acupuncture is a holistic medicinal approach that’s designed to support fertility health by improving circulation and blood supply to reproductive organs. Acupuncture is known to support hormonal balance, egg quantity and quality, and positive outcomes with the egg retrieval cycle

Endo Balance

Endo Balance delivers an optimal ratio of a high-quality essential oil blend that benefits the body by supporting balance and a healthy appearance. This blend may support reductions in anxiety and daily stress to better support healthy mood.


Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a laser treatment service that’s spread over 4-12 weeks, designed to support the body against age-related fertility issues. LLLT supports healthy conception in women over the age of 38 and those who have experienced failed IVF cycles. Our laser therapy also supports fertility healthy, blood circulation to the reproductive system, and egg quality.

(Prep for Conception) (Once it is available):

This unique program is a one-of-a-kind 2-week video series on proactive ways to support individuals on their journey to fertility health. Prep for Conception offers guidance on factors that may be affecting fertility, including nutrition, glycemic index, weight, BMI, inflammation, and stress to name a few.

Vitamins (Female)

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IDLIfe Prenatal Support

Prenatal Support is a unique formulation designed to support fertility and pregnancy health. Our prenatal vitamin supplement fills the dietary gap by providing essential nutrients required to meet the energy demands that support healthy eggs, ovulation, implantation, and pregnancy.

Ova Balance

Coenzyme 10 (CoQ10) is an enzyme the body produces naturally. CoQ10 is required for cellular energy production to meet the body’s energy demands and plays a vital role in protecting the body against oxidative stress caused by free radical damage. This powerful enzyme supports healthy egg maturation, fertilization, and embryonic cell division, as well as sperm motility, quality, and quantity.

Fertility Cleanse

Fertility Cleanse is designed to support optimal health and encourage higher chances of conception. Supporting the body with a fertility cleanse supports healthy detoxification processes that may improve pregnancy rates. A fertility cleanse supports healthy lymphatic drainage, toxin removal, liver health, and blood flow to the uterus to clear out stagnant blood and support circulation.

MethylFolate Plus

MethylFolate Plus is formulated with the most biologically active form of folate, 5-MTHF, to support a higher rate of absorption and optimal methylation and homocysteine levels. MethylFolate Plus delivers the activated form of folate to support those with the MTHFR gene mutation to better support optimal health.

Endo Balance

Endo Balance delivers an optimal ratio of a high-quality essential oil blend that benefits the body by supporting balance and a healthy appearance. Our powerful formula may help reduce anxiety and daily stress, help you feel more confident, improve mood, soothe your skin, support healthy hair, and help you relax and sleep better.

BALANCE/ Balance Low Inflammatory Program:

Balance is a functional nutrient formula that offers a quality source of protein, featuring several beneficial amino acids, including branched-chain amino acids. Balance is a rich source of lysine and arginine, both of which support a healthy weight, lean body mass, and lean muscle mass to body fat ratio.

Lymph Balance

Lymph balance is formulated with citrus-based antioxidant-like compounds that support healthy blood flow, lymphatic drainage, antioxidant activity, and metabolic processes. Our formula supports normal lymph drainage, microcirculation, and glucose metabolism.

Omega Testing Kit

Essential fatty acids are crucial for optimal reproductive health. Our easy-to-use Omega 3 Test Kit can help you maintain the correct EFA balance by giving you a reference point as to what nutritional and Omega-3 supplementation you may need to restore your EFA balance and attain the recommended 3:1 omega-3 to 6 ratios.

Omega Pure

Omega Pure is a high-quality omega fatty acid formula that’s designed to support an optimal omega-6/omega-3 ratio and cardiovascular, cognitive, immune, and circulatory health. Our formula may support sperm production and quality in men and reproductive and hormone health in women.


Research shows normal vitamin D levels support successful IVF cycles. Each capsule of D3K2-5K delivers 5,000 IUs of rapid-absorption vitamin D3 and supports healthy vitamin D levels. Our vitamin D formula supports musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, brain, and immune system health, a healthy pregnancy and birth, and healthy nutrient absorption and thyroid levels.

Nitric Balance

Nitric Balance is an advanced formula that supports nitric oxide synthase activity and intracellular energy production to better support immune and cognitive function and healthy blood flow. Its primary use is to support a healthy circulation throughout the body, including reproductive organs.

Schedule a Consultation

Not sure what Fertility Service or program is right for you? Schedule a consultation with a team member to start your fertility wellness journey.
Infectious Disease Physician

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