Essential fatty acids are crucial for optimal reproductive health. Knowing your Omega-3 inflammatory ratio is the first step towards achieving optimal nutrition and health. The Omega-3 Test offers an easy and accurate assessment of your essential fatty acid nutritional status.
Our easy-to-use Omega 3 Test Kit can help you maintain the correct EFA balance by giving you a reference point as to what nutritional and Omega-3 supplementation you may need to restore your EFA balance and attain the recommended 3:1 omega-3 to 6 ratios.
This simple test can be done at home through a finger prick test; you’ll receive results within 3 weeks. Also included with this test is a consultation to help you understand what your results mean and what steps you can take moving forward to support optimal health.
Proin lacinia, est lobortis iaculis pulvinar, sapien erat rhoncus nisi, sed elementum risus urna non quam. Sed eu erat vulputate, euismod sem a, tristique sapien. Aliquam sagittis iaculis diam, vitae hendrerit lorem vulputate eleifend
9873 Ridgewood Street Elgin, IL 60120
Praesent in justo dictum, molestie arcu eget, pul
Donec nibh odio, suscipit ut convallis sit amet
Pulvinar lectus. Nulla sed dapibus odio. Suspendisse leo magna
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