Fertility BodyPrep


This program is best for anyone trying to conceive for more that 6 months, women over 35 or women who have had multiply negative cycles or miscarriages. This program is designed to regulating and activating your body’s energy balance increases blood flow to the reproductive system, strengthens the uterine lining, assist in hormone levels, helps increase both egg quantity and quality, and reduces stress by promoting a state of serenity and peacefulness.

  • Women over the age of 35
  • Women who have had canceled IVF cycles due to lining
  • Poor ovulation
  • Egg growth
  • Miscarriages or
  • Women who want to work on natural alternative treatments

This program is designed to regulating and activating your body’s energy balance increases blood flow to the reproductive system, strengthens the uterine lining, assist in hormone levels, helps increase both egg quantity and quality, and reduces stress by promoting a state of serenity and peacefulness.

Includes: 12 sessions acupuncture with our amazing color therapy

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Who is this for?
While acupuncture can be beneficial to everyone, we especially recommend it to women over 35, trying on your own naturally for over 6 months with no success, women who have had difficulty getting pregnant in the past, and women who have experienced a failed IVF cycle. It is also helpful for anyone who has previously miscarried, those suffering from PCOS, or women with irregular cycles.

If you’re trying to conceive naturally or have had negative IVF treatment cycles, we recommend preparatory fertility acupuncture starting roughly 90 days before conception – since the egg prepares for fertilization 90 days in advance.

Fertility BodyPrep
Fertility BodyPrep acupuncture program can boost your chances of getting pregnant naturally by increasing blood flow to the egg and reproductive organs (which collectively take 3 months to prepare for conception), reducing stress levels (and subsequent cortisol levels), and helping to regulate hormones. With Preparatory acupuncture, we also include color therapy to further reduce the stress of trying to conceive.

Traditional Chinese medicine relies on the flow of qi, or energy, throughout the body. **Your program may include Ear seeds. They are placed in stimulation to the pressure points in the ears and used to help regulate the flow of qi, or energy, in the body.


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