We often see patients with underlying autoimmunity that’s gone undetected for so long that their symptoms have become “normal” and they have stopped paying attention to them. They do not realize their previous level of suffering until they begin to feel healthy again.
There is an increased risk of developing full destruction and serious diseases if autoimmunity symptoms are left untreated. Currently, there are more than 80 identified autoimmune diseases. Some of these include Hashimoto’s, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Grave’s disease, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatic heart disease, type 1 diabetes, celiac disease, and multiple sclerosis
The path to your optimal health starts TODAY.
Schedule a consultation with one of our Wellness Specialists at Lisanne Wellness Center. Schedule an appointment Testing, Nutrition
Proin lacinia, est lobortis iaculis pulvinar, sapien erat rhoncus nisi, sed elementum risus urna non quam. Sed eu erat vulputate, euismod sem a, tristique sapien. Aliquam sagittis iaculis diam, vitae hendrerit lorem vulputate eleifend